Here's a quick update from Sports and Fitness Performance:

We hope this email finds you and your family well!  As I'm sure you could imagine we are making preparations for all potential scenarios regarding this truly unprecedented situation we are all in. 

As of today, Sunday, March 15th... we plan on going about our regularly scheduled programming this upcoming week. Please check the online scheduler for real-time availability of sessions and classes.  

We have ramped up our cleaning schedule at the gym and put systems and procedures in place to insure that we do all we can to keep all members and staff safe.  We also ask that you follow the recommended guidelines being put forth by the as well as refrain from coming to the gym if you do not feel well.

Since SFP is a private studio environment we have the unique advantage to control our situation a bit more than the traditional gym.  Most of our training is by appointment only and we rarely have more than 12 people in the facility at a time.  With that being said, there may come a time where we must limit access to the facility.  We met as a staff today to map out a contingency plan to continue training through our mobile training app, video conferencing software, and strategic meetings to continue to help you and all our members move towards their goals.  There will be multiple offerings available to substitute current training memberships to accommodate not being able to visit the gym.  We hope it doesn't come to this but will let you know if the time comes.

In closing, we think it is also a good time to point out the importance of self care through this unique time.  Not just the widely recommended hygiene practices or regular exercise and proper nutrition, but the awareness of stressful and anxiety producing stimulus.  The situation alone is providing enough stress but when amplified by the news, social media, and well meaning friends and family it can compound to effect our health and resilience.  Please keep an eye on how your activities are contributing to how you feel.
